The Venus' Flower Basket is a Hexactenellid sponge that resides
in the deep ocean. The sponge is attached to the ocean floor by
a skeleton made of four- and/or six-pointed silaceous spicules -
giving them the name glass sponges. The sponges actually creates
these spicules, in cold temperatures no less, by converting
silicic acid from seawater into silica. The spicules converge to
create elaborate skeletons with distinct patterns - usually
radially symmetrical and vase- or funnel-shaped . These spicules
reside in a loose membrane of Syncytium that is comprised mostly
of cytoplasm. The sponges grow very slowly at extremely low
temperatures with enormous life spans quoted in the thousands,
not hundreds of years. The glass sponge is interesting
architecturally due to its mixing of extremely geometric and
defined spicules held together loosely in the permeable membrane
of spongin.
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