— Active | Passive

Oxalis Triangularis

The dynamism of the Oxalis is an effort to balance water consumption (used to spread its petals) with maximizing solar exposure (needed for photosynthesis).

Diagram of turgor pressure on plant cells; the mechanism by which the movement of the plant is accomplished.

A Grasshopper simulation model of the Oxalis Triangularis. The three petals of fold downward from a common point at the end of the stem and in turn each leaf (bi)folds in on itself as the edges of adjacent petals approach each other. This hierarchically linked motion exhibits a deceleration of the macro mechanism while the inward folding mechanism of each petal is accelerated.

A Grasshopper simulation of the above model exhibiting light exposure on the individual faces of petals throughout the day.

Plan view of above model

  1. Project 3: | Physical Computing says: March 18, 201412:56 pm

    […] happens due to changes in osmotic pressure (1).  A video of the plant movement is given here:  http://amirshahrokhi.christopherconnock.com/2011/01/18/43/. Oxalis Triangularis […]

  2. RMAU says: June 3, 20166:47 pm

    Three is often the magic number when it comes to Oxalis . The most common species grown as a houseplant is